eBazaars is a new online event series to help our startup members at THINGS reach relevant larger customers during these challenging days. Each eBazaar typically has up to six selected member companies. They will present their company to up to 20 persons from relevant established companies (potential customers, partners or investors). Each presentation is 15 minutes including Q&A so the eBazaar session is around 1,5 hours. The event is conducted on Zoom which requires no software installation to join.
As digital transformation makes more and more processes digital, it enables use of AI to radically improve speed, quality, and efficiency of processes across all industries and applications. We are still only in the beginning of exploring these opportunities and most trials, POCs, pilots and applications are still not very successful. On top of that, the risks and challenges of utilising AI are yet to be discovered and understood. But this is a complex and rapidly developing technology field with spectacular rewards to those who get it right so wait and see is probably not a winning approach.