The Digital Continuity of the Industry of the Future by Le Village by CA Milano /9 June

The Digital Continuity of the Industry of the Future (La continuità digitale dell’industria del futuro) by Le Village by CA Milano will take place June 9th, 17:00 CEST (obs. In Italian) and feature THINGS Co-Founder & Evangelist Magnus Melander among other great speakers!

New innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, IOT and Robotics risk creating a bridge between the innovative products and the factories. The increasingly connected and open industrial environments offers new business models, requires new digital skills but at the same time need a new focus on cybersecurity. To gain a deeper understanding of these problems and the potential issues they may cause for the future Le Village CA by Milano will together with amazing presenters investigate the growing trends within innovation in the industrial world.

The Digital Continuity of the Industry of the future have invited us to present our perspective on these problems and what is currently happening to Scandinavian companies in the market of IOT, Robotics and Machine Learning!

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