THINGS eBazaar™ Smart Construction is hosted in partnership with Antler, a global early-stage venture capital firm that builds and invests in the defining technology companies of tomorrow. Antler enables and invests in the world’s most exceptional people, by building complementary co-founder teams, supporting the teams with deep business model validation and providing a global platform for scaling.
eBazaar is a window of opportunity where we get to meet corporates in a relaxed environment. The difference between being invited to meet them and doing it yourself is all the difference – if you haven’t tried already.
Gustav Lagercrantz, Sales Executive at Gemit Solutions
THINGS eBazaar™ Smart Construction covers different ways of improving construction work in terms of efficiency, safety, security, sustainability and quality. Using data from connected cameras, sensors and actuators in combination with data from other sources like wether reports and energy companies enables processes to be digitalised and software to get sophisticated analytics and AI support. Examples of use-cases are sensors attached to construction materials (e.g. embedded in concrete to monitor the curing process), or in construction equipment to track their location and optimize their use. There may also be wearable sensors or cameras on site, which monitor the safety of construction workers.
Sign up to the free online event and listen to great co-operate ready THINGS Members as they pitch their ideas and solutions!
An eBazaar™ has up to six selected THINGS members presenting their company and offerings to typically 50-80 relevant established companies. Each presentation is 15 minutes including Q&A so an eBazaar™ session is around 1,5 very well spent hours. The eBazaar™ is free for anyone to attend but we will always give priority to members of THINGS Enterprise Circle. We might charge a no-show fee of 60 € to attendees who sign up but don’t attend without notice.
You can find our previous eBazaar’s on our Youtube Channel: THINGS – Innovation Growhouse. For more updates of our events keep an eye out on our Events page.